Central Elementary School Student Handbook

Welcome to Central Elementary School

Dear Central Families:

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!  This school year, like every year, begins with the highest expectations for academic and personal success for our students.  It is with pride and pleasure that we greet you as a partner in your child’s educational experience.  The academic program offered at our school is challenging and will encourage your child to become a life-long learner.

Central Elementary School has a highly professional and dedicated staff. We are committed to the belief that all children can be successful learners.  As families, you will play an essential role.  Your support and involvement are needed to create a successful school experience for your child.  A vital part of your role is giving a strong message to your child that school is important and learning can be fun.  As with any partnership, open, positive, two-way communication is essential.  Please contact teachers or administration with concerns, questions or suggestions.  Again, welcome to you and your family.  We look forward to sharing this important time in your child’s life.

Karissa Sokol, Principal


Our school is part of the Sedro-Woolley School District Comprehensive Counseling and Guidance Plan, Pre-K - 12.  We facilitate student development and meet the goals of educational reform within educational, personal, social, and career planning.  Through such proactive programs, students will gain the skills to be good citizens in school and the community.

Central Elementary Parent Group

Meetings are open to all parents/guardians and historically have been held on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30p.m. (subject to change). Our Parent Group organizes events and fundraisers that support our school community. Your participation is encouraged and appreciated! Our Central Parent Group sends reminders home through the school newsletter and has a page on our school website. We count on family support to provide a variety of fun community events during the school year. For more information, please visit our Central Office!

Central Elementary Expectations

Our staff believes that success in school is attainable by every one of our students. We need the help of students, families, and teachers to fulfill this goal.  We care about students and want them to be successful. To do this, Central School focuses on three main expectations throughout the school year:

Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Give Best Effort.

Some other emphasized traits include self control, integrity, honesty, attitude, cooperation, courtesy, tolerance, caring, trustworthiness, leadership, and commitment. Additionally, school-wide expectations will be taught to every student and will be positively reinforced throughout the school year by all staff members. 

The following protocol will be consistently followed if an expectation is violated. Staff will:

  1. Show empathy

  2. Maintain flow of instruction

  3. Acknowledge other students meeting expectations

  4. Redirect and Reteach expected behavior

  5. Allow time and space

  6. Recognize/reinforce appropriate behavior when demonstrated

*If a child continues misbehavior, discipline slip may be given. The children may be assigned a consequence; the principal reserves the right to designate an appropriate consequence.

Basic School and Classroom Expectations and Learning Standards

  • Students will be respectful of authority, property, learning environment, the right of teachers to teach, and the right of others to learn

  • Students will meet expectations, follow rules and settle conflicts properly (with the support of adults as needed).

  • Students will leave the class, the lunchroom, the playground, or the school only with permission.

  • Students will take home and deliver to parents/guardians all parent/guardian information, letters and calendars.

  • Students will come to class with proper supplies.

  • Students will leave toys at home.

  • Students will complete all assignments by the due date.

Technology Expectations

  • Students will use school/district-provided technology appropriately.

  • Cell phones and smart watches may only be used before or after school outside of the school gates/doors.

  • Students will turn off cell phones and keep them in backpacks.

  • Smart watches may be worn on the wrist, however only used as a watch. Calling/ messaging/other features may not be used during the school day.

If a student needs to contact a parent, they may ask their teacher or come to the office. If a student isn't feeling well, they should come to the office to see the nurse.

If a student is using their cell phone or smartwatch on campus, consequences may include: verbal warning, phone call home, cell phone/smart watch held in office for parent/guardian to pick up, and/or loss of privileges.

Cafeteria Expectations

  • Clean up after yourself  

  • Talking voices

  • Be considerate of others food choices

  • Follow adult directions 

  • No food out of cafeteria without permission

Playground Expectations

  • Follow directions of staff members

  • Be kind and respect other people’s personal space

  • Follow the rules of the game

  • Respond immediately to bells and whistles

  • Line up when the bell rings

  • Stay in established areas

  • Report problems or unsafe behavior

  • Regulate your temper

Hallway Expectations

  • Stay calm, controlled, and safe

  • “Walking Feet”

  • Be courteous of others in classrooms

  • Follow instructions given for drills, and emergencies

  • Use hallway time safely, appropriately, and efficiently 

Restroom and Sink-Area Expectations

•Quick • Quiet • Clean

Assembly Expectations

Our school uses a “quiet” hand signal to encourage students to use appropriate behavior during assemblies.

  • Listen and follow directions of any staff member.

  • Watch and listen politely to performances and speakers. Respond or applaud appropriately.

  • Sit flat on your bottom with your hands to yourself.

  • Leave assembly in an orderly manner following the directions of the staff member.

Positive Incentives

At Central we have school-wide incentives including Student of the Month, Cougar Pride Slips, Kindness Tickets, attendance incentives, as well as whole-school celebrations. 

Attendance Expectations  

On Time, Every Day!  We value every minute the state has given us to teach your children.  Unless it is an emergency situation, all interruptions will be postponed until non-school hours. We ask that you respect the needs of your child, as well as the needs of all our students in minimizing any impact on our valuable instructional time. In order to provide the best advancement for your child, their well-being and academics must come first.  Please do not expect to pick up your child early except for a true emergency, as this disrupts not only their education but also that of others in the classroom.  Leaving early is considered tardy (missing school).

We communicate regularly with families of students that have excessive absences or tardiness.

When absences become excessive, it is our obligation to determine the causes.  This obligation is for the benefit of the entire student body as well as your child.  If the excessive number of days missed has been due to illness, a doctor’s note as well as a parent’s note may be required upon your child’s return to school in order for the absence to be excused.

Discipline Policy 

(All students are expected to review the Discipline Guidelines with their parent/guardian and sign the agreement form, which then must be returned to the school.)

The purpose of a school discipline policy is to clarify expectations, set goals, establish rights, and encourage self-development and individual responsibility. Without a structured atmosphere, the teacher cannot teach effectively and the learner cannot learn.

The ultimate goal of behavior management at Central is self-regulation, which can more likely be achieved when there is a partnership between the home and the school.  As a parent/guardian, you play an important role in the success of this plan.   

Focus Room

One of the ways we support students is by using our Focus Room. The Focus Room is a place for a child to ask a teacher to go to so they can focus on work completion, or where they may be requested to go by a staff member to refocus their behavior. A staff member will assist students with processing and accountability regarding appropriate choices and behavior. The Focus Room is available as needed, though our intention is to keep students in class to allow equal access to their education. 

Classroom Teacher:  Each teacher will supply you with the specifics of his/her classroom discipline plan.

Discipline Consequences

Consequences for not following/meeting expectations are based on the seriousness of the behavior and the circumstances of the event. Students may be referred to the principal with a discipline referral slip or bully report in addition to classroom/playground consequences. The school and home share the responsibility for a good experience. The following consequences may occur if a child receives a Major or Minor Referral form. Parent(s)/guardians may be notified by email or phone:

  • Warning

  • Parent notification

  • Coaching about not bullying

  • Apology letters

  • Restorative justice

  • Clean up duty/Community service

  • Loss of privileges (field trips, etc.)

  • Consequences that fit the behavior

  • Detention/Focus Room (lunch) 

  • Out-of-school suspension 

  • In-school suspension 

  • Develop Behavior Plan or Contract 

  • Expulsion 

  • Emergency Expulsion

*Student actions could result in a short and/or long term suspension and/or emergency expulsion and/or other disciplinary action.* 

(Please refer to page SWSD 8 under “Student Discipline 3241/3241P in this handbook as well.)

Teasing/Bullying/Harassment Procedures

Every child deserves to feel safe and welcome at Central Elementary. It is our priority to create an environment where our students can be successful. Sometimes students have difficulties with peers and need assistance with their relationships. Our teasing/bullying/harassment plan is as follows:

  • School expectations, behavior guidelines, and procedures will be explained to all students and made available in writing.

  • Classroom lessons will clarify related-vocabulary such as teasing, bullying, harassment, intimidation, retaliation, and target. 

  • Students will also be taught skills to resolve conflict themselves and will be informed of how to deal with repeated and unwanted teasing, bullying, and harassment.

  • Peer relationship difficulties will be first referred to the School Counselor.

  • Bully report forms may be filled out and given to the School Counselor for investigation.  Forms are available by the Counselor’s office.

  • If peer relationship difficulties persist after referral to the School Counselor, the Principal may choose to meet with both students, clarify behavior expectations and document an official warning to both students. Parents/Guardians will be notified at this time. (continued in next column)

  • If peer relationship difficulties continue despite the official warning, offending students may start to receive disciplinary consequences for willful disobedience, harassment, or intimidation/ bullying. A plan to curtail negative interactions may be developed with the students and parents/guardians at this time.

  • Failure to comply with directives from the Principal will accelerate disciplinary consequences.

  • Parents may request a due process hearing with the Sedro-Woolley School District’s Hearing Officer at any time.

Serious/Exceptional Misconduct (K – 6th Grade)

The following acts or commissions by a student while on school property (reasonable proximity thereto) or at any school-sponsored activity or event off school property are prohibited and shall constitute cause for discipline, suspension and/or expulsion by authorized school district authorities.

  1. The commission of any criminal act under the laws of the State of Washington including, but not limited to, the following:

    1. Arson:  The intentional setting of fire or explosion.

    2. Assault/Battery:  Physical threats or violence to persons.

    3. Burglary:  The act of entering or remaining unlawfully in a building with the intent to commit a crime.

    4. Explosives:  Explosives are not permitted.

    5. Extortion or Coercion:  Obtaining or attempting to obtain money, property, or services by threats or forcing   someone to do something against his/her will by force or threat of force.

    6. Firearms:  Firearms are not permitted.

    7. Gambling:  Risking something of monetary value for the chance to win a prize.

    8. Theft:  Stealing.

    9. Malicious Mischief:  Property damage.

    10. Robbery:  Stealing by force or threat of force.

    11.  Possession of Alcoholic Beverages or Illegal Drugs:  (including the sale, delivery, and/or use)

    12. Trespass:  Being present in an unauthorized place or refusing to leave when asked to do so.

    13. Threats to Bomb or Injure Property:  Falsely reporting a fire or bombing.

    14. Harassment:  Threatening to cause bodily injury, physical damage, or physical restraint of another, or maliciously threatening to do any other act intended to substantially harm the physical or mental health of another.

    15. Gang Intimidation:  Threatening another person with bodily injury because the person refuses to join or has attempted to withdraw from a gang.  This also includes threats from any large group.

    16. Being under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance not prescribed by a physician for the student.

    17. Use or possession of alcohol, drug paraphernalia, tobacco products, and/or a controlled substance not prescribed by a physician for a student.

    18. Sale or delivery of alcohol, tobacco, or a controlled substance or purported controlled substance to another person.

    19. Refusal to identify self.  All students must, upon request, identify themselves to proper school authorities.

    20. Any act or conduct directly or indirectly causing substantial or material disruption or obstruction of any school function or operation. Continuously and intentionally acting in any manner so as to interfere seriously with the teacher’s ability to conduct his/her class.

    21. Failure to comply with School District policies or school rules or with the direction of teachers, substitute teachers, school patrol, custodians, nurses, counselors, para-professional, bus drivers, cooks, secretaries, librarians, campus safety staff, principals, or other authorized personnel during any period of time the student is properly under the authority of school personnel.

    22. The known possession, display, handling or transmission of any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon.

    23. Any lewd, indecent or obscene conduct or expression.

    24. Belonging to a gang and knowingly engaging in gang activity.

    25. Sexual, racial or other form of harassment.

Pursuant to State Law, students who possess or carry onto school premises, school-provided transportation, or areas of facilities being used exclusively by public or private schools any firearms, other dangerous weapons, knives, nun-chu-ka sticks, throwing stars, air guns, or other projectiles shall be subject to expulsion.  Students who with malice display what appears to be a firearm shall be subject to expulsion of up to one (1) year.  Possession of firearms on school property will result in a one-year mandatory expulsion, subject to appeal, with notification to parents.

Disrespect/Defiance Toward Any Staff Member

Students will respect/follow the directions of all adults in the building.  (All school employees have the authority to give directions, not just teachers.)  Be on your best behavior while a substitute teacher is in charge of the class.  If a student is disrespectful or defiant to a staff member, a discipline slip may be issued.  The student may be required to give a written apology to whom they were disrespectful. A parent/guardian signature may be required. 

The previously mentioned disciplinary actions are minimums and the student may be subject to more stringent discipline when appropriate.

*In case of a suspension, students will have assigned work to do while suspended.  This work is to be completed by the time the student returns to school.  Please contact the school before noon, and the assignments may be picked up at the school office after 3:30 p.m.