Cascade Middle School Student Handbook

Bell Schedule 

Cascade is a closed campus. The building opens at 7:20 a.m. (8:20 a.m. on Wednesdays) and students are not supervised or allowed in the building before that time. Once they are on campus, students must stay on campus until 2:15 unless they are signed out by a parent or guardian in the office. Students may only remain on campus after 2:25 if they are being supervised by an adult in a school sponsored activity.

Tips for Success in Middle School 

  1. Be to school, on time, every day.  

  2. Get positively involved in school and invite your parents to your activities. Be active in class and participate.  

  3. Establish realistic goals for yourself and include your parents in the goal discussion. Make a plan to accomplish your goals.  

  4. Be an advocate for yourself. Check your grades, attendance, discipline, and missing assignments via Family Access.  

  5. Communicate regularly with your teachers and ask questions. If absent, connect with all teachers and make a plan to complete missed work.  

  6. Be personally responsible for yourself and make good choices; follow the school rules, do your school work and turn it in on time. Be a contributing member of the school community.  

  7. Establish strategies for dealing with peer pressure, social issues and the stress of teenage life. Become a problem solver.  

  8. Establish a place and time in your home where you can do your homework that is free from distraction.  

  9. Monitor and limit the time you spend texting, playing video games, watching TV, using social media, etc. and make sure that it does not interfere with your education.  

  10. Ask for help and advocate for yourself. Talk to friends, parents, teachers, counselors and administrators.  

  11. Be a good listener. Listen to the daily bulletin, pay attention in class, and be a good friend.  

  12. Be organized and planned. Use a daily planner, set times for completion of projects and use your time well.  

Online Access- Family Access, Google Accounts and Canvas 

Family Access is the Internet website that allows parents and students to view class grades and assignments as often as they wish.  You can use the Internet to look at grades in any of your child’s classes.  You can also view your child’s attendance and lunch account information.  Username and passwords will be available in the office. Google accounts and Canvas login information for students can be obtained from classroom teachers or the school librarian. 


After school sports are available for students in 7th and 8th grades throughout the school year. Each student who turns out for after school sports MUST have a physical examination, insurance or waiver, signed athletic code on file with the school, and ASB card. All athletic paperwork will be completed through Final Forms ( Students can participate in: Cross Country, Track & Field, Wrestling, Soccer, Volleyball, and/or Basketball. 

Each participating student must sign an Athletic Code and must follow the rules of this code, both at school and at home.  A student who breaks one of the rules may be suspended from the sport in which he or she is participating for the remainder of the sports season.   All sports in the Sedro-Woolley School District are governed by the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association rules.  Students must maintain passing grades in all subjects in order to be eligible for sports. Eligibility lists will be issued every two weeks during the semester to determine eligibility.   


All school rules apply at school dances. Guests are not allowed at dances. Only appropriate dancing is allowed during dance events. Students engaging in dancing deemed inappropriate including, but not limited to, front to back dancing, grinding, or placing hands in inappropriate areas will be removed from the dance for a short period of time and warned. Any further violations will result in removal from the dance without reimbursement and may result in removal from all dances for the remainder of the school year.  Students may be excluded from dances for unpaid fees or tardies/disciplinary infractions incurred in the weeks leading up to the dance. Once students enter a dance, they may not leave until the end of the dance unless a parent comes in and checks them out. 

School Fees 

ASB Card - $25.00 

Smart Music  - $10.00 

PE Shirt  - $5.00 

Participation Fee (Choir/Band/Orchestra) - $15.00 

PE Shorts - $8.00 

 Yearbook - $35.00 

PE Heart Rate Monitor  - $22.00 

Breakfast & Lunches 

A breakfast and lunch are offered daily to all students at the following costs:  

Daily Lunch Ticket  -$0 

Monthly Lunch Ticket (20 days) - $0 

Daily Lunch Ticket-Reduced  - $0 

Monthly Lunch Ticket-Reduced $0 

Daily Breakfast  $0

Daily Breakfast-Reduced  $0

Daily Milk  $ 0.60 

 Food Service Refund Policy: Money left in accounts will be refunded by checks to the last known address of the student. If the school is unable to locate the family, balances on accounts will be deposited directly to the general fund. 

Parents are encouraged to purchase lunches on a monthly basis to speed up the process of students going through the line. Monthly lunch monies are to be brought to the office window before the school day begins and NOT to the lunch line. Daily lunch money can also be loaded electronically on Skyward Family Access.  Lunch cannot be charged.   

Students’ Rights and Responsibilities 

Each student served by the school district has the following rights:  

  • An equal educational opportunity with freedom from discrimination because of national origin, race, religion, economic status, sex, pregnancy, marital status, previous arrest, previous incarceration, or a physical, mental or sensory handicap  

  • Freedom of speech and press, peaceful assembly (during non-class time), and redress of grievances subject to reasonable limitations upon time, place and manner of exercising such rights  

  • Freedom from unreasonable searches or seizures (see also “search & seizure” in this handbook)  

  • Freedom from unlawful interference in his/her pursuit of an education  


Attendance and the Tardy Policy 

Laws of the state of Washington (WAC 180-40-010) specify that parents have the primary responsibility for ensuring the attendance of their children at school.  The law further states that students shall be regular and punctual in their attendance. 


If a student is ill, or is unable to come to school due to a family emergency, please call the school at 855-3520 as soon as possible in the morning.  If parents are unable to call, they must provide the school with a written note within 24 hours of the student’s return to school.  If the school does not receive a note or phone call the absence will be counted as unexcused.  If a student is absent repeatedly due to illness, the school may require that the student bring a doctor’s note to verify the illness. Excused absences include:  illness, professional appointments, emergencies, religious holidays and prearranged absences with prior approval (see below). Unexcused absences include oversleeping or missing the bus.   

Late Arrival 

A late arrival is defined as a student arriving to school after the morning tardy bell.  Parents/gaurdians should send any student who is late to school with a note to be delivered to the main office. Students arriving after 7:40 are to go to the office and check in.  They will be issued an admit slip which is to be brought to their classroom teacher. 


A tardy is defined as a student present at school but not arriving to their scheduled class by the bell.  Students need to be in class, ready to work, when the bell rings and remain in class until it is over. If a student is more than 4 minutes late, they will be marked absent and will need to get a note from the office before going to class. The attendance secretary will keep records of student tardies and the following procedures may apply:

  • Fifth tardy: Lunch workshop

  • All Subsequent tardies: Additional lunch workshops and/or attendance meetings, attendance improvement plan, and/or other consequences

Pre-Arranged Absences 

Parents are required to notify the school in writing one week prior to a prearranged absence of 3 or more consecutive school days and the student will be issued a prearranged absence form.  Students are responsible for getting work from their teachers before they leave.   

Unexcused Absences 

An unexcused absence (truancy or skipping) is defined as a student being absent for an extended period of time for which they are not excused. Consequences for truancy will be related to the number of periods absent. 

Homework Requests & Make-Up Work  

Students may have homework to do when they have been ill for two or more days, or have been sent home by administration.  If you wish to have homework for a student who has missed school, please contact the school before noon.  Homework may be picked up at the office after 2:30 PM the following day.  It is the parent’s or the student’s responsibility to request homework for days missed. A student has the same number of days he/she was absent to make up work. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in the homework. Students are responsible for making arrangements with their teachers to make up any work missed while absent since not all assignments are able to be sent home. 

Due Process 

Parents and students have the right to appeal disciplinary decisions. The discipline action will continue during the appeal procedure unless the principal or his/her designee elects to postpone such action. The appeal process must take place in the following order:  

  1. Building Level – All appeals initially take place at the middle school with the building principal or his/her designee.  

  2. District Level - If the differences are not resolved at the building level, then parents and students have the right to present their appeal orally or in writing to the assistant superintendent upon two school business days’ prior notice if short term suspension of 10 days or less and three school business days’ prior notice if long term suspension of 11 days or more.  

  3. Board of Directors - If the differences are not resolved at the district level, then upon two school business days’ prior notice, parents have the right to appeal to the Board of Directors and these procedures are provided for parents to do so. In general, the law provides for:  

    1. A written notice relating to an opportunity for a hearing will be delivered in person or by certified mail (within 24 hours in the case of emergency expulsion). The notice will:  

      1. Be in the predominant language of the family  

      2. State the alleged misconduct and the rules violated 

      3. State the corrective action proposed  

      4. State the right of the student to a hearing and the time limit within which parents must reply  

    2. A request for a hearing will be accepted in writing (or orally in cases of physical handicap or language difference) within three school business days (ten days in cases of emergency expulsion). If the request is not received within three days (ten days - emergency expulsion), the student waives his or her right to a hearing and the corrective action will be imposed.  

    3. If a request is received, the hearing will be scheduled as soon as possible and no later than three (3) school business days.  Students have a right to:  

  1. Inspect any evidence in advance of the hearing.  

  2. Be represented by legal counsel.  

  3. Question and confront witnesses.  

  4. Give their explanation of the alleged misconduct.  

  5. Present relevant evidence and witnesses.  

  6. A written decision stating the hearing officer’s conclusions and the form of corrective action to be imposed will be provided to the parents and student. (A decision will be given within one (1) school business day in cases of emergency expulsion).  

  7. Appeals may be made to the Board of Directors within three (3) school business days after the date of the hearing decision. The Board will schedule and hold an informal conference to review the matter.  

  8. Any appeal of the Board’s decision must be to the courts.  

 Note: An emergency expulsion may be continued during the hearing if the emergency situation still exists or as a corrective action for the misconduct giving rise to the expulsion. 

Search and Seizure & Video Surveillance 

To maintain order and discipline in the schools and to protect the safety and welfare of students and school personnel, school authorities may search a student or student lockers under the circumstances outlined below and may seize any illegal, unauthorized or contraband materials discovered in the search. A student’s failure to permit searches and seizures as provided in this policy will be considered grounds for disciplinary action.  

Drug Dogs  

Drug dog searches may be utilized during the school year. Searches will be completed with an administrator in attendance.  

Personal Searches  A student’s person and/or personal effects (e.g., purse, book bag, etc.) may be searched whenever a school authority has reasonable suspicion to believe the individual student is in possession of illegal or unauthorized materials (e.g., vapes, drugs, stolen items) or has violated or is violating a law or school rules. If a pat-down search of a student’s person is conducted, it will be conducted in private by a school official of the same sex and with an adult witness present, when feasible. If extreme emergency conditions require a more intrusive search of a student’s person, such as a situation where the student is believed to be concealing something that may be of immediate danger to the student or to other students, such a search may only be conducted in private by a school official of the same sex, with an adult witness of the same sex present, and only upon the prior approval of the school principal or other personnel designated by the superintendent, unless the health or safety of the student will be endangered by the delay which might be caused by following these procedures.  

PE Locker Searches  

Student lockers are the property and remain at all times under the control of the school; however, students are expected to assume full responsibility for the security of their lockers. Periodic general inspections of lockers may be conducted by school authorities for health and safety reasons at any time without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. School officials may also search student lockers when they have reasonable purpose of returning school property or for cause to believe that items are concealed in the locker that violate school rules. When school officials have reasonable cause to believe the locker contains prohibited items, they shall request the student to open the locker and reveal the contents. If the student refuses, the locker search may proceed anyway. 

Video Surveillance on School District Grounds or property (BP 4205)  

The District is committed to maintaining and promoting a safe school environment for all students, staff members, and visitors on its campuses. The Board recognizes that the use of video surveillance may help ensure the safety and security of students, staff members, and visitors; protect District property from loss or destruction; prevent and deter criminal activity and conduct violations; and assist with the enforcement of District policies, procedures, and rules. As a result, the Board authorizes the use of video/electronic surveillance systems on school grounds or property for these purposes. Board Procedure 4205P includes information on the following: 1. Camera Location, Operation, and Control; 2. Use of Surveillance Video Footage; 3. Custody, Control, Retention, and Disposal of Video Surveillance Footage; 4. Student Records and/or Personnel Records; and 5. Access to, and Inspection and/or Release of, Video Surveillance Footage. 

Behavior Expectations 

All students will obey the written rules and regulations established for the orderly operation of the district and the reasonable requests, instructions, and directives of district personnel. Reasonable requests include, but are not limited to, stating one’s name and/or moving to a designated location, i.e. the hall, office, or CRASH room. The term “district personnel” includes all adults, including contractors and volunteers authorized to supervise student activities.  Failure to do so will be cause for disciplinary action.  All students will submit to reasonable discipline by the school district and its representatives for violations of policies, regulations and rules.  

Scope of District Authority 

Students who involve themselves in acts that have a detrimental effect on the maintenance and operation of the school or the school district; criminal acts; and/or violations of school rules and regulations, may be subject to disciplinary action by the school and prosecution under the law. 

The rules will be enforced by school officials: 

  • On school property (or in reasonable proximity thereto) , or  

  • Off school property at a school activity, function, or event, or  

  • Off school property if the actions of the student materially or substantially affect the educational process 

  • In school-provided transportation, or any other place while under the authority of school personnel.



The disciplinary actions listed below will be applied at the discretion and with the professional judgment of the school administrator.  In cases of suspensions, parents will be notified by telephone and by written communication. A conference may be held between the student, parent(s), school personnel and any others involved. 

RESTITUTION-The act of making good or compensating for loss or damage. 

TAKE 5- Quick meeting with staff and student in the hallway to problem solve and prevent classroom exclusion 

C.R.A.S.H. ROOM – Classroom Reset and Skills Help in room 401. A place students can choose to go or staff can send students if they are struggling to maintain their behavior in class. 

RESTORATIVE PRACTICES - a restorative approach to resolving conflict and preventing harm. Restorative approaches enable those who have been harmed to convey the impact of the harm to those responsible, and for those responsible to acknowledge this impact and take steps to put it right. 

INFRACTION – write-up of undesired or inappropriate behavior in Skyward. 

COUNSELING GROUP – regular meeting with counselor and group of peers around a given topic 

INDIVIDUAL MEETING WITH COUNSELOR – one-on-one meeting with counselor. Can be one time or ongoing. HARASSMENT/INTIMIDATION/BULLYING TRAINING- Education around the school’s HIB policies and how the targeted behavior violated the policy. 

DRUG/ALCOHOL ASSESSMENT – Meeting with Intervention Specialist required after Drug or Alcohol infraction  CONFISCATION-The act of taking away items which are inappropriate for school. 

AFTER SCHOOL DETENTION -Served from 2:20-3:20.  Students serving a 1 hour detention must have a parent pick them up. If parents are unable to pick a child up they should contact the office immediately to reschedule a more convenient time when the detention may be served and the student picked up. 

IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION- Removal of a student from their regularly assigned classes 

SHORT-TERM SUSPENSION-Removal of a student from school for a period not to exceed 10 consecutive school days  

LONG-TERM SUSPENSION- The removal of a student for a period that exceeds 10 consecutive school days  

EMERGENCY EXPULSION- The removal of a student from school for a period of time not to exceed 10 consecutive school days.  Emergency expulsion must end or be converted to another form of corrective action within 10 school days of the emergency removal date (WAC 180-40-210).  

COMMUNITY SERVICE-The staff, students, and parents take great pride in the beauty surrounding Cascade. There are sometimes volunteer opportunities to help restore and beautify CMS. 

ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION- Office referrals are reviewed on a case by case basis. This is where the severity of the action is considered. 

RE-ENGAGEMENT MEETING- A meeting held between the district, student and parent/guardian to discuss and develop a written plan on how to return the suspended student to the school environment.

Depending on the severity of the offense, the administration can choose from the following discipline options: 

Community service, Alternative placement, Behavioral contract, Removal from class or reduced schedule, Counselor referral, Parent conference, ISS or OSS.

Office referrals and classroom discipline information is logged on-line using the SKYWARD system with consequences based upon the Sedro -Woolley School  District #101 Board Policies 3207, 3240, 3241, 3241P

Prohibited Student Behavior 

Unless otherwise required by law, the district is not required to impose in-school or short-term suspensions and instead, strives to keep students in school, learning in a safe and appropriate environment. However, there are circumstances when the district may determine that in-school or short-term suspension is appropriate. As stated above, the district will work to develop definitions and consensus on what constitutes behavioral violations to reduce the effect of implicit or unconscious bias. In accordance with the other parameters of this policy, these circumstances may include the following types of student behaviors:  

  • Being intoxicated or under the influence of controlled substance, alcohol or marijuana at school or while present at school activities;  

  • Bomb scares or false fire alarms that cause a disruption to the school program;  

  • Cheating or disclosure of exams;  

  • Commission of any crime on school grounds or during school activities;  

  • Dress code violations that the student refuses to correct (see student dress policy/procedure #3224)  

  • Fighting: Fighting and instigating, promoting, filming/recording, or escalating a fight, as well as failure to disperse. Engaging in any form of fighting where physical blows are exchanged, regardless of who initiated the fight. This prohibition includes hitting, slapping, pulling hair, biting, kicking, choking, and scratching or any other acts in which a student intentionally inflicts or attempts to inflict injury on another; 

  • Gang-related activity;  

  • Harassment/intimidation/bullying;  

  • Intentional deprivation of student and staff use of school facilities;  

  • Intentional endangerment to self, other students, or staff, including endangering on a school bus;  

  • Intentional injury to another; 

  • intentionally defacing or destroying the property of another;  

  • Intentionally obstructing the entrance or exit of any school building or room in order to deprive others of passing through;  

  • Possession, use, sale, or delivery of illegal or controlled chemical substances;  

  • Preventing students from attending class or school activities;  

  • Refusal to cease prohibited behavior;  

  • Refusal to leave an area when repeatedly instructed to do so by school personnel;  

  • Sexual misconduct that could constitute sexual assault or harassment on school grounds, at school activities, or on school provided transportation;  

  • Substantially and intentionally interfering with any class or activity;  

  • Threats of violence to other students or staff;  

  • Use or possession of weapons prohibited by state law and Policy 4210. 


Sedro-Woolley School District #101- District Policy (3207 & 3207P

The district is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, parents/legal guardians, volunteers and patrons that is free from harassment, intimidation or bullying. “Harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any intentionally written message or image including those that are electronically transmitted, verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, mental or physical disability or other distinguishing characteristics, when an act:  

  • Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property;  

  • Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education;  

  • Is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment;  

  • Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.  

Nothing in this section requires the affected student to actually possess a characteristic that is a basis for the harassment, intimidation or bullying.  “Other distinguishing characteristics” can include but are not limited to: physical appearance, clothing or other apparel, socioeconomic status, and weight.  “Intentional acts” refers to the individual’s choice to engage in the act rather than the ultimate impact of the action(s).  


Harassment, intimidation or bullying can take many forms including, but not limited to, slurs, rumors, jokes, innuendoes, demeaning comments, drawings, cartoons, pranks, gestures, physical attacks, threats or other written, oral, physical or electronically transmitted messages or images.  

This policy is not intended to prohibit expression of religious, philosophical, or political views, provided that the expression does not substantially disrupt the educational environment. Many behaviors that do not rise to the level of harassment, intimidation or bullying may still be prohibited by other district policies or building, classroom or program rules. 


The district will provide students with strategies aimed at preventing harassment, intimidation and bullying. In its efforts to train students, the district will seek partnerships with families, law enforcement and other community agencies.  


Interventions are designed to remediate the impact on the targeted student(s) and others impacted by the violation, to change the behavior of the perpetrator, and to restore a positive school climate.  

The district will consider the frequency of incidents, developmental age of the student, and se-verity of the conduct in determining intervention strategies. Interventions will range from counseling, correcting behavior and discipline, to law enforcement referrals.  

Retaliation/False Allegations  

Retaliation is prohibited and will result in appropriate discipline. It is a violation of this policy to threaten or harm someone for reporting harassment, intimidation, or bullying. It is also a violation of district policy to knowingly report false allegations of harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Students or employees will not be disciplined for making a report in good faith. However, persons found to knowingly report or corroborate false allegations will be subject to appropriate discipline.  

Compliance Officer  

The superintendent will appoint a compliance officer as the primary district contact to receive copies of all formal and informal complaints and ensure policy implementation. The name and contact information for the compliance officer will be communicated throughout the district. The superintendent is authorized to direct the implementation of procedures addressing the elements of this policy. 

More Information 

More extensive information regarding Sedro-Woolley School District’s Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying policies may be found within Sedro-Woolley School Board Policies 3207 and 3207P.  A copy of all Sedro-Woolley board policies can be located at our District website: 

Sedro-Woolley School District’s Non-Discrimination statement 

The Sedro-Woolley School District No. 101 is an EEO/AA Employer.  The Sedro-Woolley School District complies with all federal rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability in its programs and activities and provides equal access to all designated youth groups as defined in Title 36 of the U.S. code as a patriotic society.  This holds true for all District employment opportunities.  Inquiries regarding compliance procedures may be directed to Dan Lee, Civil Rights, Title IX/Affirmative Action Officer and ADA Coordinator at 801 Trail Rd., Sedro-Woolley, WA  98284, (360) 855-3500, Anthony Smith, 504 Plan Coordinator at 201 N. Township St., Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284, (360) 855-3565.  

General Information 

The following section contains an alphabetical listing of general information for parents and students regarding various policies and procedures at Cascade Middle School.  

Academic Achievement 

We believe all students are capable of learning at high levels and it is the duty of the school, student and family to work together to ensure that students succeed.  Class grades are posted on Skyward Family Access.  It is the responsibility of the student and his or her parent/guardian to monitor the academic progress of the student.  Parents/guardians can set up notifications in Skyward so that they receive messages when their child is missing an assignment or failing a class. Hard copies of grades and missing assignments will be printed upon request in the school office.  The eighth grade awards ceremony and end of year activities are privileges for students who complete all necessary requirements to be promoted to ninth grade.  If a parent/guardian has questions or concerns about their student’s academic achievement, please email or call the teacher directly or call the main office to set up a meeting with the teacher and or counselor.  

Bathroom Use

Students are encouraged to use the bathroom before and after school, during lunch, and during passing. Bathroom use is not permitted during the first or last 10 minutes of class. If a student needs to use the bathroom during class, they need to ask permission, sign-out on the clipboard, and take a color-coded hall pass with them. Students must use the bathroom closest to their classroom that matches the color of their pass.

Cafeteria/Lunch Time 

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner and to clean up after themselves. Students must enter the cafeteria from the garage doors by the new gym. Students remain seated in the cafeteria for the first 10 minutes of lunch. After 20 minutes of lunch, all students must go out to the courtyard for the remainder of the lunch period. Roaming the halls or loitering in other areas of campus is not permitted.  Students may not order food from off-campus vendors/restaurants and have it delivered to the school (No UberEats or pizza delivery). Parents/guardians may drop-off food for their own student in the office and the student will be called down to pick it up.  Due to space constraints, parents/families are not welcome to eat lunch in the cafeteria with their student(s). 


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The school must have written permission from the legal guardian in order to release educational records, including student discipline records. Due to FERPA, the school cannot give information regarding other students’ discipline to students or their families, even if the students are involved in the same incident. 

Cell Phones/Electronic Devices/Headphones

Cell phones and smart watches are to be turned off and in backpacks from 7:20-2:15 (Phones/smart watches may not be stored in clothing pockets).  Inappropriate use of electronic devices are not allowed at school. If inappropriate use is observed, the device will be taken away and kept in the office.  On the first offense, students may pick up confiscated items after school.  Repeat offenses will result in the items being confiscated until an adult picks them up.  Additional violations will result in confiscation, parent/guardian pick-up of the device and detention. Students may not take photos or videos of another student or any adult without permission to do so.  Students taking video or photos for a class must follow the teacher’s directions. Headphones may only be worn with staff permission in the classroom.  They may not be worn in the halls or cafeteria.  Refusal to give a cell phone to a staff member will result in an infraction and a phone call home.  Staff should escort the student to the office if they are refusing to give up their device. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged electronic devices. 

Cell Phones/Smart Watches/Electronic Device Violation Consequences: 

First violation:  taken for the day, student pick up from office 

Second violation:  confiscated, parent pick up 

Third and all subsequent violations:  confiscated, adult pick-up and lunch detention 

Closed Campus 

Students are not supervised before 7:20 a.m. or after 2:25 p.m. and are NOT to be on campus before or after those times.  Students need to be off campus by 2:25 unless they are participating in a school activity (sports, study table, yearbook, after school detention, etc.), which is supervised by school staff.   

Change of Address/Phone Number 

If a student moves during the school year, changes his/her phone number, or a parent’s work/cell phone number changes, please let the school know immediately. It is imperative that we have accurate information in case of an emergency.  

Counseling Office 

Cascade Middle School has two full time counselors.  Counselors are available to discuss scheduling concerns/changes with parents and for counseling services. Please contact the office to schedule an appointment.   

Dress Code 

School dress standards set a tone that impacts the learning environment. Students are expected to wear appropriate clothing for all school functions.  Dress standards for school differ from what students might wear to the beach or on the weekends. Clothing that is disruptive to the educational process may not be worn.   

These guidelines must be followed:  

  • Clothing should not be worn that is marked or decorated with illustrations of tobacco; alcohol; drugs; sexual innuendo; words or phrases that are vulgar or obscene or promote behaviors that violate school conduct standards. This can include “gang” colors or identifying clothing if the students are acting in ways that display a gang mentality.  

  • All tops must have straps or sleeves and cover the torso

  • Buttock, genitals and nipples should be completely covered with opaque material 

  • Bandanas are not permitted

  • Hats and hoods are permitted in all common areas, but are at teacher discretion in the classroom.  

  • Sunglasses are not permitted indoors.  

  • Blankets, flags, and/or capes are not to be worn wrapped around the body or in a cape-like fashion. These items should remain in backpacks and can be confiscated if seen during the school day. 

  • Shoes (tennis shoes, sandals, boots, etc…) must be worn at all times. 

We ask that parents and guardians support this process. Students violating the dress code will be required to obtain a change of clothes.  Students may be issued an on-line discipline infraction for multiple offenses or failure to correct dress code issues. 

Food and Beverages 

Food and beverages are to remain inside the school cafeteria. Students may not order food from off-campus vendors/restaurants and have it delivered to the school (No UberEats or pizza delivery).  

Grading Policy 

See individual teacher’s syllabus for class grading policies. Throughout the school year, we celebrate our 7th and 8th grade students and their accomplishments.  Honor roll is awarded to students who maintain above a 3.2 GPA each quarter. 

Hallway Etiquette 

All students are expected to stay to the right, keep moving, and use indoor voices. Do not block walkways for others by standing in the middle of the hall or sitting with legs extending into pathways.  Keep the halls open and safe for all to use. Running or roughhousing in the halls is not appropriate.  Be responsible for any messes you make in the halls and clean them up. 

Lost, Damaged, or Destroyed Materials/Books 

Students will be charged for books/Chromebook or other materials they have lost or damaged.  Cost will vary according to the original price and current condition.  Students are also responsible for lost or damaged library books, band instruments/books, borrowed gym clothes, locker, and property damage.  Yearbooks will be withheld, and participation in the end of the year dance will be limited until all fines are paid. Fines will follow students to the high school and may prevent them from walking at graduation. 

McKinney-Vento/Homeless Act 

If you are currently in transition or in a temporary living arrangement (living in a motel, shelter, with another family, or in a camper/trailer) due to financial hardship or similar reason, you may qualify for support services under the McKinney-Vento Act.  To learn more, call the Special Programs office at (360) 855-3565. 

Medication (3416F English / 3416F Spanish

If you need to take any medication at school (this includes all over-the-counter medication and cough drops) please pick up an Authorization for Administration of Oral Medication at School form in the school office. This form MUST be completed by the physician or dentist prescribing the medication, accompany the medication, and be delivered to the school by the parent or guardian, not the student.  The medication must be in the original container and stored in the nurse’s office.  By state law, we cannot administer any medication at school without these conditions being met.  Students may not carry any medication on their person except inhalers and epi pens AND they have a current health plan on file with the school. 

Public Displays of Affection (PDA) 

Excessive public displays of affection, such as kissing and handholding are not allowed during the school day or at school sponsored events.  Brief hugs are permitted.  

Personal Belongings 

Students are encouraged to not bring valuable items to school. The school is not responsible for damaged, missing or stolen items.  If these items or any other personal belongings are causing a disruption to the learning environment, they will be confiscated and held in the office until after school. Repeat offenses or dangerous items will require the parent to pick up the item from school and there may be additional consequences.  

P.E. Lockers 

Lockers are provided for the protection of personal property.  Students must keep their possessions in the locker assigned to them.  The school district will not be responsible for the loss or theft of your property.  Lockers remain the property of the school district and are subject to periodic checks.  Students will be charged for any damage done to lockers or not cleaning out their locker at the end of the school year. All items left in PE lockers will be put in lost and found. After a two week period they will be donated. Students are responsible for all items in their locker.   

Police Contact 

The school will follow police directives when students are involved in discipline issues that require police assistance. The school will contact parents or guardians when given permission by law enforcement to do so.   

Report Cards and Academic Progress 

Students receive three paper grade checks throughout the school year. First, 2nd and 3rd quarter reports will be hand carried home by the student. End of year report cards will be mailed home. Parents and students are encouraged to frequently check Skyward’s Family Access to access on-line student information including grades, attendance, and discipline and to load school lunch money. You must have a login and password supplied from the Cascade Registrar to access your student’s on-line information.  Contact the CMS Office at 855-3520 for login information.

Safety Drills 

Periodic drills including fire, earthquake, lock down, lock out and shelter in place are required by law to ensure students know what to do in the event of an emergency. Assume all alarms mean a real issue and act accordingly.  Become familiar with evacuation drill directions posted in all classrooms and follow the evacuation route and directions from staff. At the sound of the alarm, each student should: 

  • Follow the directions of the adult in charge; 

  • Walk calmly and quietly to the nearest exit; 

  • Walk safely away from the building, staying clear of overhanging objects; 

  • Remain with the class and teacher/adult in charge in case roll needs to be taken if instructions are given; and 

  • Return to class in an orderly manner if and when the “All Clear” signal is given. 

Green and blue lights are located at the main entry points and in the hallways.  If the green light is flashing, the school is in lock out.  If the blue light is flashing, the school is in lock down. Parents should check the school’s website and or Facebook page for more information.  Parents should not call or attempt to come to the school during an emergency situation as it can hinder the ability of the first responders to do their jobs. 

School Closures/Delays 

In cases of snow or other problems that may cause school closure or delay, please listen to a local radio station (KAPS 660 or KBRC 1430) or your local TV station for updates. Please do not contact the school. The Emergency Closure Info Line is: 360-855-3573 

School Website 

The district and school site will allow you to access information from your individual classes. Take advantage of this opportunity by accessing the websites.

Scented Sprays 

Many staff and students have allergies and asthma brought on by scented sprays. Please limit the amount worn to school.  Perfume, cologne, body sprays (such as AXE), and all other pump or aerosol sprays are not allowed at school.  Use of antiperspirants and deodorant are encouraged at school, but must be a solid or gel type. 

Schedule Changes

Student Requested Schedule Change:

  1. Student signs up to meet with their counselor to explain why they want a schedule change

  2. Student fills out schedule change form and gets it signed by all of their teachers and their parent or guardian.

  3. Form is turned into their counselor and has to be approved by an administrator

  4. If the schedule change is approved, then the counselor will inform the student of the new schedule and the start date for the new schedule. 

Parent Requested Schedule Change:

Requests to change a student’s schedule must be made by the parent or guardian and needs to follow the steps listed below:

  1. The parent or guardian meets with the teacher to discuss the issue.

  2. If the issue is not resolved, the parent or guardian brings the concern to the principal.

  3. The principal meets with the teacher and then with the teacher and parent to resolve the concern.

  4. If the concern cannot be resolved, the principal will review options for schedule changes to see if it is feasible (space in classes, classes available in periods needed). 

  5. The principal and counselor will communicate the schedule change to teachers, students, and the student's family. Teachers get 24-hour notice before schedule changes take place. Students may be asked to sit in the office, library, or another supervised area during the waiting period before they can start their new schedule.

Sharpies/Permanent Markers 

Due to concerns about graffiti and vandalism, students are not allowed to have sharpies or other permanent markers at school. Teachers may have sharpies or permanent markers in the classroom for students to use.  


Students are allowed to use the student phone in the office for school business only, NOT personal calls.  If parents need to reach a student or leave a message for a student, please call the office at (360) 855-3520.  Use of the telephone in the classroom is at the discretion of the classroom teacher. 


Students must have transportation prearranged if they are participating in sports or other extra-curricular activities.  The office is not always open when practice is over.   

Video Recording/Pictures 

Your child may have their picture taken or recorded on video during the school year for yearbook or annual activities. If you do not want your student’s picture included in our publications please submit your request in writing to the office by October 30th.  


For the safety of all students who walk to and from school, always use the crosswalks and obey the crossing guards. Do not cross the street in an area where there is not a marked crosswalk.  

Water Bottles/Drinking Fountains

Please fill water bottles before or after school or during lunch and avoid filling them during class time. Drinking fountains may be used during class with teacher permission and a hall pass.