
Production Expectations
Once you have been offered a role for a SWHS Drama Production the following expectations will apply.
1. Check the Drama Club Bulletin Board and your school email account for announcements daily
This is mandatory
Any last minute changes will be updated on the board and emailed to all members
2. Attend all rehearsal dates and crew calls
Rehearsals and crew calls are never missed without prior permission. Attend ALL rehearsals for the ENTIRE time unless stated on the conflict sheet at the time of auditions.
Students are allowed one unexcused absence – an unexcused absence is any absence in which the Director has not been given at least 24 hours-notice and does not constitute a medical emergency. Contact the Director by email.
Absences above the one unexcused may result in expulsion from the cast and or crew.
Students MUST NOT leave the rehearsal at any time without permission or they may be removed from the cast or crew.
If you have a personal emergency, please contact someone from the Production Staff (Director, Production Mgr, Drama Club President). Not all “emergencies” are excused and excused absences will be determined by the Director. (Ex. Illness, death in the family is excused. While “behind on homework” and “needs to babysit” are important, they are not excused. Please make necessary arrangements.)
If an emergency makes you late or absent, notify someone from the Production Staff by email or phone as soon as possible.
3. Be prepared and be on time
Rehearsals and crew calls begin exactly at the time indicated on the bulletin board. A 3:00pm rehearsal call means that when places are called at exactly 3:00pm, you are in the rehearsal area with a sharpened pencil in your hand and your script opened to the scene called.
Be in appropriate rehearsal attire
Lines are to be memorized by the due dates.
If you are late, you are not there. If you are not there, you are absent.
4. Visitors
Only people called on the daily bulletin board or invited by the Director will be allowed to attend rehearsals. Exceptions can be made by the Director, but must be requested with AT LEAST 24 hours-notice. (The fewer observers, the better the concentration, and therefore the greater the achievement.)
There is one exception to the ‘no guests’ regulation. As a member of the cast and crew, you are invited to attend all rehearsals even if your character is not on the pages being rehearsed, so long as you do not create any distractions.
5. Academic Responsibilities
You are expected to be passing all classes while working on the production. If grades persist at below-average/failing levels, you may be removed from the show.
Try to study before you come to rehearsal. Bring your studies with you so that when you are not rehearsing you may make full use of your time. Plan ahead for big assignments and major tests.
Don't get behind in your school-work.
6. You and the Director (Ms. Gregory)
Remember that the director is on your side. If you have problems or questions that cannot be resolved on your own or by the Production Manager, ask the Director at an appropriate time.
To help the director function as effectively as possible, never approach or speak to the Director when she is working with, listening to, or watching a scene in progress.
Never walk between the director and the playing area.
7. You and the Production Manager (Miss Nita)
Remember that the Production Manager is on your side. If you have problems or questions specific to technical theatre that cannot be resolved on your own or the Drama Club President, ask the Production Manager at an appropriate time.
8. You and other Students
Every member of the Drama Club is equally important to the success of the production. There are no “stars” or “prima donnas” or “Drama Queens.” Cooperation is essential.
The Drama Club Officers are the Director’s assistants. They are directly responsible to the Director. As long as they perform their assignments responsibly, there is no reason to argue with them. If problems cannot be resolved, both parties should see the Director or Production Manager immediately.
There can be only one director for the show. Avoid offering unsolicited suggestions, chastising, arguing with, or prompting another actor.
Keep all interactions positive. Never offer your cast mates an unsolicited critique.
Conversation backstage and/or in the wings, either in rehearsal or performance, should be restricted to matters concerning the production. (Use hand signals if possible, or else a low whisper.)
Give your best at each rehearsal or performance and expect the best from those around you.
Work up to your full capacity, rather than just walking through a rehearsal, so that everyone knows what to expect.
Excessive inappropriate behavior may lead to your removal from the show.
9. You and the Theater
Pick up a prop only in the execution of your role. A prop out of place can ruin a performance.
Always return your props to the prop table as soon as you leave the acting area. Don't set anything except a prop on a prop table
Don’t sit on prop furniture backstage.
Never touch a piece of lighting, sound, or stage equipment except in the performance of your duty.
Never touch the Light Board or Rigging Lines unless trained and asked to do so.
Always treat your costumes with the utmost respect. Hang them up when you are finished. Notify the Production Staff if your costume needs repair or cleaning.
10. Theater Practices & Etiquette
Never bring food, drinks, or gum into the theater.
Never create any offstage distractions or play tricks or jokes backstage, in the wings, or onstage.
Never write on a piece of scenery, stage equipment, or the walls of the theater.
Never miss an entrance.
Never speak to or approach an actor who is waiting for an entrance.
Never question the authority of the Production Staff.
Never leave the rehearsal space, crew area, or theater until you have been released by the director.
Never be seen by an audience member except in the execution of the show.
Do not peek at the audience while on or off stage. If you can see the audience, they can see you.
Never enter the stage from the house and never enter the house from the stage before, during, or after a performance while audience members are in the theater unless performing a function of your role.
11. Violations
Failure to adhere to the guidelines listed above may result in your removal from the show.
If you are removed from a show for discipline reasons you may be ineligible to audition for the next production. (If it is the last production of the school year, you would be ineligible for the fall show the next school year.)
Final determinations will be on a case-by-case basis and will be decided by the Director. When a student is involved in more than one activity that occurs outside of school time, conflicts may occur. Students must check event calendars for all of their scheduled SWHS activities for conflicts as soon as dates are available. The student must notify all affected parties (Director, parents, coaches, employers) when there is a conflict so that there is time to determine how to handle the conflict (compromise, miss one or the other activity, work out a ride, etc.). Conflicts MUST be listed on the conflict section of your audition form (with the exception of emergencies/sudden illnesses.) in order for the absence to be excused.
Performance Expectations
The cast and crew call time is 5:30pm for normal performances and 2:30pm for the Donation Show.
All cast and crew members will assist in the STRIKE immediately following the closing performance. Students who do not attend STRIKE and are unexcused will not be eligible for the next production.
Once final decisions are made, do not deviate in any way from the Director's production plan.
Perform the play as it was rehearsed.
Do not break the rehearsed curtain call to address the audience or to give or receive flowers or gifts.
The privileges and responsibilities of the production company require that you behave in a mature and responsible way.
If you have questions, ask the Director. Please feel free to email if it’s not appropriate to reach her in rehearsal.
Cast and Crew are required to report on time for dress rehearsals and performances for make–up calls and warm ups and in costume at the time posted.
Students are NEVER to leave the backstage/Little Theater areas of the theater or the campus in makeup and/or costume.
Students will not invite persons outside the cast and crew to any backstage areas, in dressing rooms or the Little Theater.
Stage etiquette should always be followed including courtesy and consideration for cast, crew, and Production Staff.