District Board Policies
If you have questions or need assistance accessing a policy or procedure, please contact Jada Trammell, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, at jtrammell@swsd101.org or (360) 855-3502.
Series 1000 - Board of Directors
This series includes the bylaws of the Board, describes the terms of office and member responsibilities, the methods of governance, meeting structure, principles of operation and growth and development activities.
Series 2000 - Instruction
The elements of the instructional program, specific arrangements of the school setting, dealing with specific needs for instruction, the use of resources in instruction and measuring student progress are described in this series.
Series 3000 - Students
Students, their enrollment and attendance, their responsibilities and rights, discipline, corrective actions, punishment or sanctions, health and welfare issues, records and custody processes and activities are the focus of this series.
Series 4000 - Community Relations
School and community relations involve communications with the public, participation by the public, public access to staff, students and school facilities and relations with other schools and agencies.
Series 5000 - Personnel
This series includes the conditions of District employment, employment practices, compensation and benefits, leave policies, substitute employment and volunteer practices. Affirmative Action and sexual harassment policies are also included.
Series 6000 -- Management Support
This series includes financial planning and management, revenues, purchasing, risk management, transportation, food services, school property, and capital projects.