Reminder: please mark your calendars for conferences, Veterans Day observation, as well as Thanksgiving's early release and two-day break. Please note, there is no Good Beginnings Preschool on early release days.
On Monday, November 6 and Tuesday, November 7, all elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. for parent-teacher conferences.
On Wednesday, November 8, there is NO LATE START because of the early release day for all K-12 students. Cascade Middle School students will be dismissed at 10:15 a.m.; State Street High School at 10:20 a.m. and Sedro-Woolley High School at 10:30 a.m. All elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.
On Thursday, November 9, Cascade Middle School students will be dismissed at 11:15 a.m.; State Street High School at 11:20 a.m. and Sedro-Woolley High School at 11:30 a.m. All elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.
On Friday, November 10, there is no school as we observe Veterans Day. All offices will also be closed.
On Wednesday, November 22, there is NO LATE START because all schools will be dismissed early. Cascade Middle School students will be dismissed at 11:15 a.m.; State Street High School at 11:20 a.m. and Sedro-Woolley High School at 11:30 a.m. All elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.
There will be no school on Thursday, November 23 or Friday, November 24. All offices will also be closed. Please enjoy the time off!

🌟 Protect yourself and your community! 🌟
In partnership with the Seattle Visiting Nurse Association, Sedro-Woolley School District is hosting a flu shot clinic at Cascade Middle School on Friday, November 17 from 3–7 p.m. Don't miss out on this convenient opportunity to get vaccinated. Remember to have your insurance card handy when registering.
Register now by scanning the QR code or clicking on this link: https://schedule.seattlevna.com/home/256d02c7-e478-ee11-8179-00224808da54
Let's stay healthy together! 💪 #FluShotClinic #CommunityHealth #SedroWoolleySchools

Don't forget, all schools will start one hour late tomorrow so staff can participate in professional development!
CMS: 8:40 a.m.
SWHS: 8:55 a.m.
SSHS: 9:00 a.m.
Elementary: 10:25 a.m.

Costume day at Cascade Middle School: Where everyday heroes transform into superheroes.

🌟 Nominations Open for Community Recognition Program! 🌟
Know someone who's made a significant impact on the Sedro-Woolley School District and community? Now's your chance to shine a light on their dedication and achievements! 🎓🎨🏀
Nominees can be individuals who've shown outstanding service, support, or accomplishments in areas like community service, academics, performing arts, or athletics.
👉 Submit your nominations here: https://forms.gle/zWRtgUxyySAiNLUM7
Let's celebrate those who go above and beyond! 🌟 #CommunityRecognition #SedroWoolleyStrong #MakingADifference

Mark your calendars now for November's conference week, Veterans Day observation, as well as Thanksgiving's early release and two-day break. Please note, there is no Good Beginnings Preschool on early release days.
On Monday, November 6 and Tuesday, November 7, all elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m. for parent-teacher conferences.
On Wednesday, November 8, there is NO LATE START because of the early release day for all K-12 students. Cascade Middle School students will be dismissed at 10:15 a.m.; State Street High School at 10:20 a.m. and Sedro-Woolley High School at 10:30 a.m. All elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.
On Thursday, November 9, Cascade Middle School students will be dismissed at 11:15 a.m.; State Street High School at 11:20 a.m. and Sedro-Woolley High School at 11:30 a.m. All elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.
On Friday, November 10, there is no school as we observe Veterans Day. All offices will also be closed.
On Wednesday, November 22, there is NO LATE START because all schools will be dismissed early. Cascade Middle School students will be dismissed at 11:15 a.m.; State Street High School at 11:20 a.m. and Sedro-Woolley High School at 11:30 a.m. All elementary schools will be dismissed at 12:30 p.m.
There will be no school on Thursday, November 23 or Friday, November 24. All offices will also be closed. Please enjoy the time off!

Don't forget, all schools will start one hour late tomorrow so staff can participate in professional development!
CMS: 8:40 a.m.
SWHS: 8:55 a.m.
SSHS: 9:00 a.m.
Elementary: 10:25 a.m.

Reminder: Cascade Middle School Picture Retakes are on Tuesday, October 24.

Attention Sedro-Woolley School District families! Are you struggling to navigate Skyward? Fear not, we have an upcoming event that will help you learn how to use the family access system like a pro!
Join us on Wednesday, October 25 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the library at Sedro-Woolley High School to learn how to look up your student's grades, view their daily attendance records, and track missing assignments. Though all families are welcome to attend, we want to extend a special invitation to our Spanish-speaking families, as this night will be hosted by our multilingual department to ensure that they are fully supported. Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to stay informed and engaged in your student's academic journey!

🎭👸🏼 Don't miss the "Princess Who" drama production at Cascade Middle School on Oct. 20 & 21 from 7-8:30 p.m. in the CMS Cafeteria. Tickets are $5. 🎟️👑

Don't forget, all schools will start one hour late tomorrow so staff can participate in professional development!
CMS: 8:40 a.m.
SWHS: 8:55 a.m.
SSHS: 9:00 a.m.
Elementary: 10:25 a.m.

Mark your calendars now! 🎭👸🏼 The "Princess Who" drama production will be held at Cascade Middle School on Oct. 20 & 21 from 7-8:30 p.m. in the CMS Cafeteria. Tickets will be $5 at the door. 🎟️👑

Parents and guardians: We hear from a lot of folks that they'd like to receive text messages for important information. In order to do that, you MUST opt in via Skyward.
1. Login to Skyward.
2. In the bottom right blue sidebar, choose "Skylert".
3. Scroll down until you see "Text Message Information".
4. Enter up to five cell phone numbers (standard data rates may apply).
5. Choose the messages you'd like to receive.
6. Click "Save" in the top right of the screen BEFORE exiting.

Don't forget, all schools will start one hour late tomorrow so staff can participate in professional development!
CMS: 8:40 a.m.
SWHS: 8:55 a.m.
SSHS: 9:00 a.m.
Elementary: 10:25 a.m.

Happy National School Lunch Week! 🎉💯🎉
Let's celebrate the importance of a healthy midday meal for our growing children 🌱👦👧
Since 1962, National School Lunch Week has been recognizing the impact a nutritious school lunch has on a child's life 🙌🏫
Let's continue to promote healthy eating habits both in and out of the classroom 🍎🥦🥕
#NSLW #HealthyEating #SchoolLunch #SWSDStrongerTogether

🔥🚒 Don't forget to mark your calendars! 🔥🚒
From October 8-14, 2023, we'll be observing Fire Prevention Week. This is a time to remember the importance of fire safety and take steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Whether it's testing smoke alarms, creating an escape plan, or simply being mindful of fire hazards, there's always something we can do to reduce the risk of fire.
🔥 Let's work together to raise awareness and promote fire safety in our communities. 🔥
#FirePreventionWeek #SafetyFirst #BePrepared #SWSDStrongerTogether

Mark your calendars now! 🎭👸🏼 The "Princess Who" drama production will be held on Oct. 20 & 21 from 7-8:30 p.m. in the old CMS cafeteria, 201 N. Township. Tickets will be $5 at the door. 🎟️👑 Pull into the parking area off of N. Township Street and either park straight ahead in the back parking lot/bus lane area or near the electronic reader board. Overflow parking is the regular school lot, but you will need to follow the path around the building to access the cafeteria. Limited disabled parking; please arrive early.

Are you a student in grades 6-12 who loves skiing or snowboarding? Do you want to hit the slopes at Mount Baker Ski Area next March? Then the Sedro-Woolley Winter Ride 2024 program is perfect for you! The program is open to ALL students in grades 6-12, not just those in the Sedro-Woolley School District.
To learn more about the program, attend the informational meeting at Evergreen Elementary on November 16, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. Registrations will be accepted (cash or check) at Evergreen Elementary School, Attention: Winter Ride, Krissa Ammons, 1007 McGarigle Road, Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284.
The program runs for four Saturdays in March 2024 (March 2, 9, 16, and 23) and includes discounted passes, lessons, and rentals for enrolled youth who participate with an approved Winter Ride organization. Transportation to Mount Baker Ski Area is arranged through the Sedro-Woolley School District, with a bus cost of $125. Please note that lessons are required for all new participants, regardless of skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced).
If you have any questions about the program, feel free to contact Ms. Ammons at kammons@swsd101.org; Ms. Jurado at jjurado@swsd101.org or Ms. Gildnes at egildnes@swsd101.org. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to ski or snowboard with your friends!
Please note: The district does not sponsor this event and the district assumes no responsibility for it. In consideration of the privilege to distribute
materials, the Sedro-Woolley School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including costs, attorney’s fees and judgments or awards.”

Don't forget, all schools will start one hour late tomorrow so staff can participate in professional development!
CMS: 8:40 a.m.
SWHS: 8:55 a.m.
SSHS: 9:00 a.m.
Elementary: 10:25 a.m.

🎉 Happy School Custodian Appreciation Day! 🎉
Today we celebrate and honor the hardworking custodians who keep our schools clean and safe. They work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that our learning environments are comfortable and conducive to education.
Let's take a moment to show our gratitude to these unsung heroes by saying thank you, giving a high-five, or simply smiling and acknowledging their efforts.
To all the custodians out there, we appreciate you and your dedication to our schools. Thank you for all that you do! 💙🧹🧼🚿🧻
#SWSDStrongerTogether #SchoolCustodianAppreciationDay #ThankYouCustodians